Pocatello Plant Makes History With Its Largest Autotransformer Ever

We are proud to announce that we have completed the manufacturing and final assembly testing (passed on first attempt) of the largest autotransformer ever in the history of our Pocatello plant, located in Pocatello, ID.
The 168 MVA, 161/69/13.2 KV, 750/350/150 KV BIL, 55/65°C rise 3-phase autotransformer was built for the Paris Board of Public Utilities for its Eagle Creek Substation.
According to the customer’s website, the completion of the new substation will provide a redundant feed from TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) and a second delivery point to aid in having a loop transmission feed for parts of Henry County resulting in increased reliability for its customers.
Virginia Transformer Corp would like to thank the Paris Board of Public Utilities for partnering with us on this project and to congratulate the teams on both sides for a job well done!